[Ep.15] What can you do to build a roadmap for your reps to move up?

Episode 15 September 14, 2021 00:57:06
[Ep.15] What can you do to build a roadmap for your reps to move up?
Call Center Confidence with Cutter & Catt
[Ep.15] What can you do to build a roadmap for your reps to move up?

Sep 14 2021 | 00:57:06


Show Notes

What can you do to lay out a path for your reps to progress? How critical is it to assess your own and your team’s improvement?

There should be a well-thought-out strategy that outlines where reps might end up if they play their cards well. Everything should be built around them, and we should figure out how to prepare them for growth.

In this episode, Oliver and Jason talk about progression and succession plans. They also talk about some of the challenges that promoted reps could face.

Find out more as Oliver and Jason offer free advice and ideas on how to lead your team so that they can lead in the future.

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